18:30 - 19:30
Jagame ukrainlaste heategevusliku veebisündmuse infot, mis saab toimuma juba sel pühapäeval 15. mail kell 18-19.30. Tegu on järjekorras juba neljandat korda toimuva töötoaga veebis, mille raames saab osaleda meistri töös ja enda teadmisi täiendada. Sel korral valmistab sakslasest sepp, kes elab hoopis Soomes, kauni lille. Lill on ühtlasi ka rahu sümbol.
Kõik osalejad saavad teha ka vabatahtliku annetuse.
Sündmus facebookis: https://fb.me/e/1HzcZ574g
Registreerumine: https://forms.gle/vyuydre8PCu7NF5W8
Täpsem info allpool inglise keeles.
“Save Metal Art” media project – charity workshop №2 “Forging a Peace Flower.”
Date: May 15, 2022.
Time: 18: 00-19: 30 GMT + 3 Kyiv time.
Where: online, ZOOM platform.
Event on Facebook: https://fb.me/e/1HzcZ574g
Friends, we have launched a media project with a series of charity workshops where artists from around the world will hold an online event showcasing their skills.
We will be glad to see you as our audience. If you can hold your own charity master class and be a speaker, be sure to email us.
We are building a strong creative community for peace around the world!
The FOURTH master class will be hold by Patrick Beck, an artist from Germany 🇩🇪 who now lives in Finland 🇫🇮. Together with friends, Patrick initiated💫 a project that unites blacksmithing around the world – “Blacksmith Without Borders”. During the workshop, the artist will show how to create a flower that is a symbol of peace, and is a symbol of Ukraine – 🌻Sunflower. You will learn how to create your “Flower of 🌏 Peace”, you can try to make it yourself and what steps you can use to create a variety of wrought iron 💐flowers.
According to artist 🧑🎨Patrick Beck, “I think it’s important that we blacksmiths stick🤝 together, support our community. We created Blacksmith Without Borders to bring people together. I decided to hold this workshop to talk about myself and support the art community.
This is a great opportunity to touch the world’s treasury of art, to contribute to building peace and preserving cultural heritage.
Master class is a charity event!
You can choose the amount of the donation and transfer it to the accounts listed below. After payment, write to us and we will send you an access link for the online event.
Funds from the donations will go to support the Ukrainian art community and overcome the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
How to join:
1) Fill out the application: https://forms.gle/vyuydre8PCu7NF5W8
2) Make your donut – the size is at your discretion. We will send you a login link.
3) Develop your skills and build peace with us!
The event is organized by the NGO “National union of artists of metal arts”.
We also can send additional information and posters in different dimensions, if you ask.
Have a nice day!
From Ukraine with best wishes!
Sincerely, President of the National Union of Artists of Metal Art
Tytska Tetyana
tel. +380974577729